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Free iPad iPhone iPod Touch Jailbreak Support > thank you

I just wanted to say thanks, now that the IOS 5 untethered jailbreak exists I was finally able to properly jailbreak my iphone. Your guide made it easy peasy.

Couple of notes on the video guides since there seem to have been a couple minor changes since they were made:

* how to use cydia" vid - the first time you load cydia it will ask you to say if you're a "user" "hacker" or "developer"

"how to jailbreak" vid - redsn0w has a new step after doing the "hold buttons down" step that asks if you want to install a custom pack or just cydia. You have to make a choice and hit next before it will complete the install and reboot your device.

also I didn't get the "essential upgrade" notice after running changes-update in cydia.
December 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerry
Thank you so much Terry for the feedback! We will try to get those changes implemented. There are a bunch of different programs and updates, and they change things all the time.

I am so happy you were able to jailbreak! Have a great day!
December 28, 2011 | Registered CommenterLuke Abell