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Free iPad iPhone iPod Touch Jailbreak Support > How to restore to 5.1.1 after upgrading to ios 6

I upgraded my I phone 4 (jail broken) to ios 6 and I lost all my notes Though I see them in my macbook pro mountain lion.

I tried to restore my phone back to 5.1.1 but that did not work.

Is there a way to restore back to 5.1.1

Thank you very much
October 7, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterwaleed
I have no personal experience with this, but I'll throw this out there. You might try the steps in the video below, which explains how to restore a factory reset phone to a specific firmware version. Apple may have checks in place to prevent downgrades, though. Worth a shot anyway.

I'll also mention that your problem doesn't necessarily sound like it's jailbreak related, nor is there any real reason to beleive a downgrade back to 5.1.1 will fix your problem. Since you've updated to iOS 6 and your jailbreak was removed, it couldn't hurt to ask for help through official apple channels, either. I've seen people who have never jailbroken run into problems similar to yours.
October 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry