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Free iPad iPhone iPod Touch Jailbreak Support > when i open up itunes (after i updated it) a pop up comes up and my ipod wont work on my computer and is it safe to download ios 6 from my ipod when its jailbroken?

Right after i updated Itunes a pop up comes up that says "The registry setting used by the Itunes for importing and burning CDs and DVDs are missing. This can happen as a result of installing other CD burning software. Please reinstall itunes." When i click OK itunes just comes up, i deleted it and then reinstalled it it does the same thing, and also since i updated itunes my ipod does not connect to my computer at all. Can someone help me?
And is it safe to update to IOS 6 from a jailbroken ipod?
September 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew
I for one don't have a clear answer. It sounds like your registry entries may have been corrupted, which should have been corrected by reinstalling itunes. Since your problem isn't specifically related to jailbreaking, I'd opt for some help from Apple directly on Just remember that actually bringing your phone to an apple store while jailbroken may void your warranty.

As far as updating to iOS 6, this will mean your jailbreak will be lost, and there is no current iOS 6 jailbreak available. If that's an acceptable trade-off for you in order to get the new iOS 6 features, go for it.
October 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry