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Free iPad iPhone iPod Touch Jailbreak Support > How do i upgrade from 4.3.5 to another firmware to get untethered jailbreaks?

How do i get off 4.3.5 it is my first jailbreak and basically i am unsure on how to change my firmware..any help would be great!
November 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
What kind of device are you dealing with? older devices, like the iphone 3g (not the 3gs, the 3g) aren't compatible with ios 5 and can't be upgraded. Also keep in mind that middle-aged devices (e.g. iphone 3gs and iphone 4) have a working untethered jailbreak for iOS 6, meaning you may as well just upgrade to the newest firmware version in itunes and then jailbreak from there (see ).

If you have an iphone 4s or 5, or an ipad/ipod using the same chipset, you'll want to upgrade to a 5.x version in order to achieve a jailbreak. (I'd recommend 5.1.1)

That's not something I've done before, but try here. It deals with restoring to the same version, but the concept is the same, just use the appropriate blob for the version you want to upgrade to:

If you have issues there, you might be able to use the newest version of redsn0w to upgrade to a 5.x version - although the changelog does imply it will only work when moving from one 5.x version to another. Worth a shot though:

Sorry this isn't something I can't walk you through, but it should point you in the right direction since Luke doesn't follow this board much anymore.
November 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry